Homemade Chicken Nuggets

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My older son LOVES chicken nuggets. Funnily enough, not the ones from McDonald's but the frozen dinosaur nuggets from Costco. He has been on a major nugget kick and it is driving me crazy that it is all he asks for every night for dinner. It takes a lot for me to steer him in a different direction. So tonight I decided to try making homemade nuggets. I was watching part of the Today show yesterday and saw Catherine McCord who is the creator of Weelicious.com (a site I frequent for food ideas for the kids). She was making veggie nuggets and I thought hmm...it didn't look too difficult so maybe I should try it.

So try I did tonight and I was right, not difficult at all! Actually they were quite easy and pretty quick to make. I think I may have found a new nugget for my nugget nut! I followed the recipe completely so there isn't a difference like I usually post the differences I did with my recipe versus the one I found. So for those of you with a chicken nugget nut in the house, check out this recipe for Homemade Chicken Nuggets on Weelicious.com.

We had leftovers so I popped them in the freezer so they are ready to heat up the next time my son says he wants nuggets!


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