Homemade Chicken Stock

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Every time we go to Costco we usually pick up one of their rotisserie chickens since they are only $5 and can be so many meals for us. Once I have removed all the chicken from the carcass I will make chicken stock with it. I start by boiling water with the chicken carcass in the pot. I add a few seasonings, depending on my mood or plan for the chicken stock. Once it begins to boil I turn it down to a simmer and there it sits for about 4 hours.

If I plan to use it immediately or within a day or two I put it in a plastic container and put it in the fridge. If I am going to save it, I put it in a plastic bag and throw it in the freezer with the date it was created on it. This is by far my favorite way to use chicken broth for my recipes because it tastes SO much better, plus it was really inexpensive and I am all about that. YUM!


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