Tomato Cream Chicken

Friday, July 27, 2012

I subscribe to a site called Emeals which provides you with weekly menus to help you get through the week with little worry about the common, "What do I make for dinner?" question that we all ask ourselves pretty often. Some weeks are better than others with the menu choices but I have taken it and done my own thing with it. I start with what I have in my kitchen already first and then look at the options on the menu to see if any of those meals work for me. Then I pick out my favs from the rest of the menu and grocery shop for those. It has saved me a ton of time, money and headache going this route.

SAVE TIME AND MONEY WITH E-MEALS MEAL PLANSI used to DREAD when it came time for me to decide what to make for dinner but this has really opened my eyes to other recipes, helped me branch out from what they provided to make what suits our family and more. So anyways, one of the menu items was a Chicken and Tomato Cream recipe. I changed a few of the items in the recipe because I didn't have them and figured why go to the store to buy those couple things when I can substitute with what I have, better way to save more money.

So from the changes I made were first off, I didn't any onions (which I think would've made it taste even better but didn't want to have to go to the store), in place of the onions I decided to put some mushrooms in. I didn't have whipping cream so I used canned evaporated milk. I googled it and there were a few places that said that you could substitute the two so I did. Lastly, I didn't have any fresh basil so I used dried (obviously, the fresh basil would've made a better flavor but it's what I had so there it is).

Tomato Cream Chicken

2 T butter, divided
1.5 pounds boneless chicken breast, halved
1/2 c finely chopped onion (I used mushrooms instead for this meal)
14.5 oz can diced tomatoes, undrained
1/2 c whipping cream (I used evaporated milk)
1/2 c chopped fresh basil (I used dried basil and used about half the requested amount)
1 t salt
1/2 t pepper

Then I put it over a bed of whole wheat spaghetti with a side of steamed broccoli. My almost 2 year old liked it as did my husband and I. We both had two chicken breasts each (since they were halved). We used the Costco frozen chicken which are often HUGE so it was no problem slicing them in half and having a very full meal.


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