Whole Wheat Pancakes

Monday, July 16, 2012

T loves pancakes so I decided to find a recipe that would be more healthy than those store bought pancakes and I didn't have to look far. Weelicious is a blog site with great kid friendly recipes that I follow regularly. She offers suggestions on ways to make things quick and painless. You can read about her whole wheat pancakes recipe here.

I didn't make any modifications to it, other than I didn't have buttermilk. She does give you a tip on how to substitute buttermilk so I go with the 1 cup milk and 1 Tablespoon lemon juice option.

So now whenever T says that he wants pancakes I can go to my ready made whole wheat pancake mix in the cupboard and make up a batch for the morning, like I did this morning. Add to it a side of eggs and a little turkey bacon. Yum!


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